Catalog Request

Merritt Pecan Product Catalog

Our latest product catalog is now available. It contains 12 pages of our some of our finest products. Each catalog is free of charge and can be shipped to your house just in time for the holidays.

To order a copy of our catalog, simply fill out the form provided here and we'll get one shipped to you in a timely manner.

Note: Catalog will only be sent to customers inside the United States of America.

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Order Form

Merritt Pecan Order Form

At Merritt Pecan Company, we understand that many people may feel uncomfortable ordering products online.  Our online ordering process is safe and secure. However, we strive to make our customers enjoy doing business with us and to rest assured that it is not just easy, but also safe to do so. 

So, we're keeping our customers in mind who do not feel secure placing orders online and have provided order forms that you can download right here from our site. The order form is in Adobe PDF format and you will need the Adobe PDF Reader to open the order form, available for free download on

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Merritt Pecan Fundraisers

Pecans usually sell best for fundraising near the holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas). Our most popular items for fundraising are one-pound containers of Pecan Halves and one-pound containers of Pecan Pieces. These are easy to store and handle for distribution. We package in cases to offer lower prices with higher profits for your group. Pecan Pieces are available in different sizes (small, medium or large); however, your order will be filled with the size that we are currently processing when your order is received.

Your order may be picked up at our store or can be shipped UPS. A date for delivery or pickup will need to be established before you start. We will supply your group with order forms to help make your event a success. December 10th is the final date for orders to be processed to ensure Christmas delivery. Contact us for current pricing on fundraising items or for more information. 

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Contact Info


Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you have!


Merritt Pecan, Inc.
P.O. Box 39
Weston, GA. 31832




